Friday, May 23, 2014

Fish Tales

We will update fishing pictures here.  
These shots are from our days in the water.  
I will update this entry repeatedly rather than start a new entry for every fish tale.

Spring 2017

Dogs gotta dig...

August 2016  Black Drum


Two fish got away... Ron had every intention of catching with his bare hands!

July 2016

Ron created a stingray to house some bait.

June 2016 - More sharks...




May 2016 - SHARK!!!!

Love mom's "fish face"

Beach flowers in November!!!

Barb & Ralph visit and fish with Ron

Fishing was interrupted this fall by the Red Tide.  Too dangerous for doggies and those with asthma...

A great afternoon at the beach, August 2015 (PINS):  Check out the moon.




PINS July :

PINS:  Lots of little sharks today

A perfect day at the beach brought in several different kinds of fish...

We brought shade, but our terrified pups were afraid of the flapping tarp...



Shark #1



 Shark #2

Shark #3


Our first shark!!! In an effort to be sure the shark survived, we unhooked and sent it back into the water as fast as possible, so we don't have super pictures of Ron next to it... but these still give you a picture of the size.  Caught on 1/2 of a frozen pompano that had been in the freezer since winter.  The bait slid up the line and is pictured last.


PINS Feb 8 2015
Wow, perfect beach conditions.  Yes, the water is cold, but it's winter.  Puppies are adapting to the beach and are starting to relax.  There are so many exciting and stinky things to discover!


PINS - September 7, 2014
Still a lot of weed on the beach, but not as much in the water as last week.  This was between the 15-20 mile markers.  Fishing was terrible--only caught hardheads.  At least the puppies had more fun!

PINS- September 1, 2014
Weeds were not terrible on land, but were awful in the water.  This made fishing no fun.  We only caught hardheads on the poles.  Ron did cast-net a good haul of mullet for future bait fish.

PINS - July 13, 2014
     AKA First beach trip with puppies...

Beach conditions were pretty beautiful, considering what the last few months offered.  Fishing was not great.  Ron caught a few little fish but none were picture-worthy, let alone skillet-worthy.

We are SUCH rookie parents though.  We just assumed our pups would love the water, and guessed they would jump right in when they got hot.  Wrong!  Poor babies were very hot and afraid of the water.  Live and learn.  Next time, we will make shade.

Year over year comparison:
June 1, 2013                                                                  May 31, 2014  

Padre Island National Seashore ~ May 31, 2014 ~ Conditions remain poor

We had fair warning from the Corpus Fishing website regarding the driving conditions and weeds at the beach.  They are not kidding.  Don't try to go off the packed driving path.  There is no low road right now.  Some have packed a path down in the weed (see picture), but you need to be careful.  There were a few signs of trucks that hit sinkholes, and we witnessed one being tugged out by another truck as we went by.  Ron got out to take pictures and he couldn't even make it to the edge of the weed to the water without "falling in" a sinkhole of weed.  His footprint is visible in the center picture.  We drove down to the 15 and it was just miserable.  No signs of a break in the weed and the driving conditions were rough.  Don't try to go down without 4 wheel drive.


Double click any picture to enlarge.

March 2014

January 2014

January 19, 2014  PINS
SHARK !!!  So exciting.  Too bad it wasn't our catch...

We came upon Rudy Lopez at about mile 32/33 on our way home and he was doing battle with this shark for a good 20 minutes.  As most people do, we pulled over to watch.  When the shark was in close enough to see its size, I told Ron to "get out and help!"  They unhooked and measured this awesome beast in a matter of minutes, and he was on his way back into the waves.  No sign of a tracking device or tag on this one. I was also relieved to see how calm it was when the guys were working to take the hook out.

Bait used:  Pompano.  Truck:  Ford, with an awesome bed rack to fish from the roof.

Kids:  His boy caught 3 nice whiting while he waited for dad to take care of the big one.  Great job!!!

By the way, if you ever catch a tagged shark, here's the info for reporting:   Call 877-826-2612 or e-mail:  They want you to report the following:
  • Tag Number
  • Species and Sex
  • Date of Capture
  • Location Caught (Latitude and Longitude preferred)
  • Length and/or weight, and whether it was estimated or measured
  • Type of length (fork or total) and/or type of weight (whole or dressed)
  • Fishing method (rod and reel, longline, etc.)
  • Whether you kept the shark, or released it alive - if released alive, was it released with the same tag, a different tag, or no tag
  • If you are keeping the shark, please see our Request for Backbones of Recaptured Sharks
  • Be sure to include your name, mailing address, daytime phone number, and email address


Amazing how fast this sucker swam back out into the surf!!!

December 2013:  PINS
Just past mile 5.

 The wind was so strong, check out the sand blowing across the beach.  Yea, and those waves....

Mom's visit & her big catch:

A good day's catch!

November 2013:  PINS    Great day for Pompano!  (Green fish bites are the key!)

October 2013:  PINS


October 2013:  Government Shutdown over.  Fish on!
Mile 21 PINS

July 2013: At low tide, we took a drive to Port Mansfield.  
First, some debris that floated in...




Shipwreck seen above ~ the engine block is all that remains.  If the waves were softer, you could probably get a better look.  We'll try again.

July 4 - Our Anniversary yields many fish!

June 23 PINS   Lots of whiting...

June 16   PINS  Aprox mile 5.5
Enough with the weeds already!!!
 The top one is a hardhead, bottom is what's left of a whiting.  Something with sharp teeth took it.

June 2, 2013.  Blue sky to the east...
 ...and from the west, here comes the storm.  We were under a funnel cloud watch all day.  When the sky turns black, it's probably best to just get out of there.

 The wind was blowing so hard that the spray off the waves was going backwards.  
You can see a little of it if you click to enlarge.

June 1, 2013    Mile: 3.5  PINS (Padre Island National Seashore)


We recovered someone else's weight caught in it's belly... and then sent him on his way...
 April 21, 2013
March 17, 2013

February 2013                        PINS (Padre Island National Seashore)

Mom visits in February.  We went to the beach twice and there was a significant difference in weather.
Yuck...Jellyfish (February)

Beautiful smooth sand in January... PINS

This guy has a neat overview of PINS on YouTube.  He fails to mention that it's great for the ladies to have a bathroom at this beach, which is a nice feature!  The gift shop also has bait, just in case you forgot (experience proves...).

Caution to newbies though... obey the warnings at the entrance station regarding campfires, etc.  We think the warning for illegal border crossings has been stolen, so note that sign on our pictures above.  Do not go fishing without a license and obey all regular traffic laws.  The park police are there and actively monitor all of this.  Most importantly, do not drink and drive!!   People are friendly and the beach is great.  Those of us who live here and love it, also try to carry out more than we carry in.  It's a small effort, but benefits all of us. Turtle nerds will love you.